Why is Prefabrication So Important?

As subcontractors, we tend to be forced to take on the heaviest risk on each  and every project.  We are at the mercy of the GC and other trades in order to complete our work.  This Industrialization of Construction® that is happening is also causing other shockwaves throughout the industry. 

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Tracking productivity on a job site the correct way

Managing projects in construction can be very frustrating.  Let’s just be completely honest.  From moving schedules to material delays, there are constant obstacles that are put in the way of our field team and each one causes productivity loss.   Want to know the biggest problem?  While we all likely know

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The Basics Of WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)

One of the foundations to Agile Construction® and, really, where the rubber meets the road is with WBS or Work Breakdown Structure. When it comes to measuring productivity, job tracking, etc. there is an incredible amount of confusing information flooding the market. Most contractors still use the old school method

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Mitigating risk by Externalizing Work®

The Covid-19 Pandemic has caused a major upheaval to the construction industry.  The largest impact, however, is it’s role as a catalyst, accelerating the move to Industrialization of Construction®. Modularization or Externalizing Work® is going to become a critical piece as construction companies reopen projects and work in the “new normal”.  Productivity measurement and improvement is

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Industrialization Of Construction® And The Labor Shortage…

While  productivity in the manufacturing industry has improved by 400% over the last century, the construction industry’s productivity has, in even the best case, stayed flat.  To achieve comparable results to those seen in manufacturing, the construction industry must also make the leap to “Industrialization”. The first step in this

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